
Recording: HGN Panel on “Memory” (October 2023)

The eighth HGN panel event took place on 25 October and discussed the theme of “Memory” in games. We were delighted to welcome Dr Kate Marrison (University of Sussex, United Kingdom), Casilda de Zulueta (freelancer technical artist and animator, indie developer and animation teacher based in Germany) and Ian Kikuchi (Historian and Curator at the […]


Astroneer and the Paradoxes of Memory in Historical Space Exploration Gaming

Astroneer, seemingly a portmanteau of ‘Astronaut’ and ‘Pioneer’, is a sandbox low-poly space exploration game in which players take on the role of a spacesuit-wearing individual or robot whose identity remains obscured. While future-focused, it is also a historical game based on memory. Players explore uninhabited, procedurally-generated worlds that mostly appear natural, but feature ruins […]


Industrial Memory Culture in Fantasy Games: Remnants of the Ruhr in the Gothic and ELEX Series

The study of history in digital games related to memory culture often focuses on games that directly address a specific historical period or topic with the goal of increasing players’ understanding and knowledge. This can range from simple educational goals, to creating emotional connections to the past, to ideological and moral goals. Much less often, […]


Call for Contributions – Memory

Our next theme concerns how games connect and interact with “Memory”. We’re interested in exploring how games – as always, broadly defined – engage with memory, commemoration, cultural remembrance (and forgetting), remembrance practices and memory organisations. Our aim has always been to bridge the gap between academia, the games industry and cultural heritage organisations and […]


Modifying History

Modifying History When exploring the topic of development, our current quarterly theme, it is always tempting to adopt the easy terms, unidirectional relations and well-defined economic and industrial terminology of mainstream discourse about production. However, as literature, media and cultural studies have now long argued, the notion that production occurs entirely separately from the eventual […]