The Historical Games Network brings together academics, game makers and other cultural workers to explore the relationship between history and games of all kinds.
We aim to engage a diversity of perspectives, to support – and offer a platform to – new voices in the field, and to speak to a broad audience, both professional and public.
Current Themes
Player Practices




Previous Themes
Historical Truth

(Post) Colonialism






[Red Dead Redemption 2] may be a work of historical fiction, but it’s not a work of history.
Dan Houser, Interview
With historical games continuing to prove both commercially and critically successful, the Historical Games Network will host regular events to consider historical representations and provide retrospectives. The Historical Games Network provides fresh perspectives, support and a platform to new voices in the field, and to speak to a broad audience, both professional and public. This website offers a supportive, thoughtful and moderated space, in which discussions focus on historical issues relevant to scholars, to the games industry and to the institutions of public history more generally.